Keynotes & Speaking
“ Energetic! Engaging! Inspiring! ”
“Sales Events that offer fluffy content, instead of real skills, is like serving people cotton candy in the rain!”
~ Molly Sargent

Passion, Purpose, & Practical Action.
In the current “remote” world of work, in which people gather in-person less frequently, face-to-face time for a team can be one of the most important team building strategies in your arsenal. Too often, speakers drain the group of energy and consume precious time with irrelevant, impractical “motivational” pablum, instead of what your team needs and wants to build team cohesiveness and develop professional skills.
Not Platitudes!

Cultivate Team Connections & Build Skills at Your Sales Event
Inspire Your Teams to Think & Act Differently.
Rally the motivation of your group! Stir thought leadership among your people! Create a dynamic team experience! And leave nothing to chance.
Delivered by a highly-experienced Sales Culture Expert
Engaging, relevant messages tailored to your audience
Targeted topics to catalyze your business success
Facilitated in the style of a dynamic, engaging clinic
Immediate impact on sales proficiency and performance
A Keynote as a Clinic
Molly’s Speaking Has Impact!
By treating your Main Stage and Breakout Room forums as mini-classrooms, Molly’s approach to speaking invites your participants to "share the microphone,” engage with their neighbors in the audience, and walk away with practical insights (and tools) that shift thinking and inspire sustained action. Her highly popular keynote topics draw upon a deep understanding of relationship dynamics and nuanced behaviors that contribute to authentic connection and positive influence in personal and professional partnerships.
Ready & Relevant Topics
Draw from Proven Subjects Tailored to Your Audience
Authentic Selling
High-Impact Presenting
Effective Team Dynamics
Leader as Coach
Women Taking the Lead

Cool Companies & Enthusiastic Quotes
Our Clients Say It Best